The majority of tender submissions are now part of an e-procurement process where the buyer asks you to upload and submit your responses, supporting statements and attachments online. Our experience has shown that this can often be a daunting step for small businesses who are unfamiliar with procurement portals and are inexperienced in complying with submission instructions. They often find that technology can be confusing and can fail right at the moment when they need it most. Therefore we offer a submission service on your behalf whereby we put in place the safety nets to avoid technology failures, and ensure your entire response is fully submitted ahead of the deadline, in compliance with tender submission instructions.


Postal and hard copy tenders

Where a hard copy submission is requested we electronically complete the presentation of the tender up to the point of printing. We then recommend that you arrange for the printing, binding and delivery of the tender yourself with your preferred local printers.


In addition…

We offer complementary support after submission to assist with the next stages. You will find that some tender processes have a presentation, or site visit after the ITT stage. We will provide you with advice on how to prepare for these important final stages of the process.

Additionally, after contract award we will happily guide you through obtaining detailed feedback on your submission from the buyer and the ‘right way’ to word emails and correspondence to them. This is a very important and often underutilised area of public sector tendering that can really help inform future tender submissions.

Find out more about our online tender submission service today by contacting us.

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