Tender Victory provide two options for training your teams on all aspects of bid writing and understanding of the public sector procurement process:

  • Virtual Workshops designed specifically for SMEs, which are delivered by our Bid Managers to provide you and your team with essential skills and support in all aspects of understanding procurement, managing and writing bids and tenders.
  • Bespoke training packages tailored to your organisation’s specific needs and focused on the areas you/your team find the most challenging.

Virtual Workshops

At Tender Victory, our tender consultants specialise in writing winning tender responses for public sector contract opportunities. They use their knowledge and experience of the public sector, gained first hand, to share with clients their tips and expertise for creating winning tender responses.

Join one of our Virtual Workshops and learn how to navigate the procurement process, manage your bids more successfully and write winning tenders. These workshops are affordable and scheduled to fit comfortably within the working day. We limit the number of attendees to ensure each business gets the opportunity to raise queries and discussion points that will benefit their business.

Click here to view more details about upcoming workshops: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/tender-victory-42056991473

Understanding public sector procurement


Understanding the role of the buyer
Public Procurement Regulations
Procurement Portals
Useful Links

Winning Writing – How to write bids and tenders to win 


Preparation & Planning
Writing your responses
Practical session and guidance
Tips and advice

Bespoke Training Packages

Tender Victory’s bespoke training packages are delivered in two areas and are tailored to the organisation to whom we are delivering – ensuring highly relevant content and leads to progress:

1) As public sector tenders are often seen as complex and difficult to break into, our Understanding Public Sector Procurement training package is designed to explain the regulations, acronyms and jargon in a clear and relevant way – enabling businesses to engage with public sector tendering and win important contracts.

2) Our Tender and Bid Writing training package has been designed to help clients draft winning tender responses, when bidding to the public sector.  However the content of this training is also equally applicable to commercial and private sector tendering, as many of the techniques used are transferable and relevant.

The attached summary of services provides an indicative agenda for both of these training packages. All training is bespoke. We tailor our delivery to the audience and organisation we are working with. Our outline agendas are modified to suit your organisation’s training needs, ensuring that your team gain targeted training which is right for your organisation.

Please contact us to find out more.

1. Understanding Public Sector Procurement

This training package aims to educate trainees on the formal process, terminology and procedures which underpin public sector procurement. This incorporates an understanding of the processes of post-Brexit procurement, governed by the Public Contract Regulations 2015.

The agenda for the most recent session we delivered in this area was as follows:

1. Principles
2. Notices
3.EU procedures
6.Process documents/formats
7.Frameworks & DPS
8.CPV Codes
9.Methods of evaluation
10.How to be responsive to buyers
11. Exercise to check understanding
12. Forming a Bid/No Bid Strategy
13. Useful Information

This training is tailored to the clients business by using current/recent industry examples and terminology.

2. Tender and Bid Writing Training (for Public Sector tender opportunities)

The Tender and Bid Writing package trains attendees on how to plan and write winning SQs and ITTs. Whilst this has been designed for clients that want to respond to public sector procurement opportunities, the content can be easily adapted to suit organisations looking for generic/commercial tender training.An overview of the content of this training is as follows:

Expectations and Introduction

Part 1 – How to prepare your business for tendering:
• Pre-preparation and the bid library
• Defining a Bid/No Bid Strategy
• Managing tenders as a project

Part 2 – Writing Winning Tender Responses
• Preparing Responses
• Writing
• Practical

Tender Victory’s training sessions are very well received by attendees.

“Vicki was clear and concise in her delivery. She took me through the entire tendering process from both the buyer’s and supplier’s sides. I would definitely recommend Tender Victory’s Tendering Process Training!” Digital agency client 

If you have a team of individuals to train and would like us to deliver these courses on your premises, with content bespoke to your organisation’s needs, please get in touch to discuss further.

Remember we have a library of blogs that cover numerous topics including understand Public Sector Procurement jargon please always refer to these as well.

Security camera Delivering tender writing training to enable businesses to win tenders At Tender Victory we tailor our training sessions to match the industry and objectives of our audiences. This tailored approach applies to the delivery of all of our training, including the Tender and Bid Writing training that we offer. The organisations to which we have delivered this training have included numerous SMEs from varying industry sectors; a national security systems company; and a charitable fund raising organisation. In this case study, we focus on the security systems client. View Case Study
EDUCATION PIC (1) Training SMEs on the principles of Public Sector Procurement A creative services agency was in the process of implementing its growth strategy and increasing its business development team. Part of the strategy was for new team members to engage with the public sectorand grow their leads and contracts. Theagency engaged Tender Victory to provide training to the Business Development Team to ensure that they could meet their public sector growth objectives. View Case Study

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