When you just can’t see the wood for the trees, let us review your tender

If you have been spending time and effort burning the midnight oil on writing your own tender, but would still like professional input to ensure a high quality polished finish, then our Tender Review service is for you.

We proof read and review the draft tender that you have written and provide constructive feedback and suggestions on how your response can be improved. First of all we ask to see all of the Invitation to Tender (ITT) documents so that we can gain an understanding of the specification and the nature of the tender you are bidding for. We then work through the responses and seek to ensure:

  • that each response answers and responds to the question raised by the buyer
  • that the terminology used is not too technical and would not alienate members of the evaluation panel
  • the layout and presentation is pleasing to the eye – have images and screenshots been used appropriately?
  • a good use of English

The tender review service is more than a mere proof read of your draft submission. It aims to ensure that your tender responses have made the best of the opportunity to connect with the buyer and their aims and objectives. We also seek evidence in your draft tender responses (of delivery of your product or service) and prompt for it where it is lacking.

Read on to to see examples of how we can improve your tender responses.

Case studies of work we have delivered for our clients can be viewed here.

The best way to explain the difference this service can make to your tender, is to show the examples below. Please click on the links to download the comparisons.

Supply chain Supply Chain: Provide detail on how you select suppliers and subcontractors This example question is typical of those found in many tenders. A question like this may be used when the buyer wants to understand more about how you manage your supply chain. The black text in the first box is indicative of the kind of response that many businesses put into their tender returns. Whilst this seems a positive response, it lacks evidence and detail. This example is provided to give you an indication of the difference we can make to your responses. You can see that there is greater detail in the second box, which fully responds to the question raised. To see the full example, please click on the link. View PDF
bid and tender writing services Business Continuity: Please detail your approach to Business Continuity that will assure the Authority of continued supply for the duration of the contract Increasingly we see more questions about business continuity and risk management, maybe more so following 2020's Covid pandemic. It is important that the buyer feels confident you have robust, tried and tested systems in place to ensure continuity of service or product supply. In this example, you can see an typical answer which is far too brief to give the buyer any confidence. Our more detailed example answer is provided to give you an indication of the difference we can make to your responses. To see the full example, please click on the link. View PDF

We offer complementary support after submission to assist with the next stages. You will find that some tender processes have a presentation, or site visit stage after the ITT submission. We will provide you with advice on how to prepare for these important final stages of the process. Additionally, after contract award we will happily guide you through obtaining detailed feedback on your submission from the buyer and the ‘right way’ to word emails and correspondence to them. This is a very important and often underutilised area of public sector tendering that can really help inform future tender submissions and bid strategies.

Healthcare International healthcare sector supplier wins multi-million pound NHS tender Our client, an international organisation that supplies products to the healthcare sector, had a competent bid manager in place and an existing tender response process. However the scale of the tenders the company was responding to meant that it sought additional specialist support in the preparation and submission of bids. The company was keen to improve its tender submissions and “raise them to the next level” by presenting them in a way that really engaged with buyers. View Case Study
Digital forencis Digital Forensics Service Provider improves win rate Our client had experience in responding to tenders but was not securing the wins and subsequent contracts that it was highly capable of delivering. This was recognised by the Directors and a new approach to tendering was sought in order to improve the win rate and secure long term contracts. This new approach was rolled out in 2015 and continues to date. Tender Victory worked with the Directors and developed a new approach to staged reviews of bids during the drafting process, to deliver responses that were of high quality and technically accurate. This new approach was rolled out in 2015 and continues to date. View Case Study

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