The Tender Victory Team
What Makes Us Different?
  • Public sector tenders are our speciality
  • We know, first hand, how buyers think and evaluate
  • All tenders are written, reviewed or managed by a former public sector buyer, you benefit from this expertise
Vicki Stewart
Why Choose Us?
  • 100% of surveyed clients would use our services again
  • We are honest and take genuine care and interest in the service we deliver
  • Our clients tell us that our services provide a vast level of improvement to their tender submissions
Management Meeting
How Do We Add Value?
  • Providing support with post submission queries and clarifications
  • We enable you to submit tenders written in plain English, that engage the reader
  • By ensuring you include evidence in your response, we increase your tender success

Tender Victory are tender and bid writing consultants that write winning tenders.

Vicki Stewart established the tender writing consultancy Tender Victory in 2010 and brings with her a wealth of experience, having worked as a public sector buyer with Devon & Cornwall Police. Vicki leads and manages a team of experienced tender writers each with a proven track record.

Understanding how buyers think and approach tender evaluations gives Tender Victory a valuable insight into the buyers world, which is used deliver high performing tender writing consultancy and ultimately to write winning tenders!

What drives the Tender Victory team is ensuring that they deliver a high level of service and support to their clients, the majority of whom are SMEs.

Vicki is passionate about passing on her knowledge and has written a raft of informative blogs that will help you vastly improve your internal bid process, read them all here.

Follow our Tender Victory facebook and LinkedIn pages for regular advice and blog updates.

Read more about Vicki and her team of experienced writers on the about us page, all of whom bring something different to the writing process, calling upon years of experience in a wide range of sectors and specialisms.

Our clients have won tenders with:


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